An analysis of the usability of capacitance liquidometer for high pressure liquid-oxygen vessel tank gage float 电容液面计在高压液氧容器上的适用性分析计量罐液面用的浮子
Intrinsically Safe Gage and Absolute Pressure Sensors: Suited for a wide variety of oilfield measurements requiring gage or absolute pressure measurements. 具有内在安全性的表压和绝压传感器:适用于要求进行表压或绝压测量的各种不同的油田测量应用。
Methods to Achieve High Accuracy and Resolution for Quartz Crystal Pressure Gage 石英晶体压力计的高精度和高分辨率实现方法
Development and Application of PPT-type Static-dynamic Pore Pressure Transducer Gage PPT型动静孔隙水压力传感器的研制及其应用
After analyzing its properties in the dynamic compression test by Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar, the measurement technology of semiconductor gage is suggested. The author obtained the stress strain curve of Cu-PM material. 本文在分析该材料的各种特性后,在对该材料进行动态测试时,采用半导体应变片技术等方法,得出该材料在冲击荷载作用下的应力应变曲线。
During the inception of the intermittent stall, the frequency stepping-up of pressure signal and the frequency decaying of gage signal correspond to the process of the energy congregating and the stall cell number decreasing. 在间断失速段,压力信号的频率阶跃以及叶片应变信号的频率衰减现象,对应于扰动能量聚集而使失速团数目减少的过程。
It introduces detected content of water pressure in large strong punning area 、 selection of equipment and arrangement plan, and illustrates erection and debugging of pore water pressure gage to monitor variation of water pressure. 介绍了大面积强夯区域孔隙水压力检测的内容、仪器选择及布设方案,阐述了孔隙水压力计的安装埋设与调试,以准确监测在强夯前后土层孔隙水压力的变化。
According to the finite element analysis of orthogonal and tangential opening tubing region on pressure vessels, the stress distribution of vessel, connection tube and their connection region are obtained, and the field testing is done with technology of strain gage. 根据对压力容器正交和切向开孔接管区进行的有限元分析,获得容器筒体、接管及其连接部位的应力分布结果,利用电阻应变测试技术进行现场测试。
This text research the basic principle and detection method of detection of thin-wall barrel mini-leak, and design the pressure of gage pressure automatic detection instrument with chip processor and interface of PLC. 针对铁制薄壁桶的微漏气检测问题的基本原理、检测方法进行了研究,并设计了以单片机控制为核心,具有PLC接口的表压式气压检漏系统。
Primal experimental study of the carbon pressure gage 碳压力传感器的初步实验研究
A method for calculating these errors is given on the basis of error analysis of the device for the YU-600 piston-type pressure gage. 通过计算,得出了YU-600型活塞式压力计组成的检定装置的误差值。
With an equipment using Hopkinson pressure bar technique, and using a quartz gage pressure sensors, the high shock acceleration sensors were calibrated, and the calculating formula of the accelerometer sensitivity was developed. 利用Hopkinson压杆装置,采用石英晶体片压力传感器对高g值加速度传感器进行了标定,并给出了加速度传感器灵敏度系数的标定公式。
Due to its location in an atmospheric air environment the reference water column of a differential pressure water gage is inevitably subjected to the influence of the change in environmental conditions. 差压式水位计的参比水柱因为布置在大气环境当中,势必受到环境变化的影响;
We design three different forms of evaporator and heat transfer area adjustable heater, complementary with small steam generator, steam condenser, cooling tower, condensed liquid recovery tank, vacuum pump and various kinds of pressure gage. 设计了3种不同形式的蒸发器及换热面积可调节的加热器,辅以小型蒸汽发生器、蒸汽冷凝器、冷却塔、冷凝液回收罐、真空泵和各种仪表、管道,组成本实验单效浓缩设备。